Showing 37 - 44 of 44 item(s)

Teacher Appreciation Bouquet


Have a special teacher that you want to say thank you to? Kids, tell your teacher thank you. Parents this is a great way to thank your kid’s teacher or kindergarten teacher, caregiver for all...



This beautiful Blossom is a delightful combination of fruit and chocolate with coconut! This jam-packed arrangement offers pineapple daisies, orange wedges, grapes, and chocolate dipped strawberries and apple wedges! *vase will vary

Good Job Blossom


Have someone in your office that does a great job? Do you want to tell them how much you appreciate them? This is better than a box of chocolates! Send them a fruit arrangement, it’s...

Pineapple Coconut Sunrise


Bring the taste of the tropics home with this arrangement filled with cantaloupe, honeydew melon, strawberries, orange wedges, and chocolate dipped pineapple daisies and apple wedges rolled in coconut. *SIZE SHOWN: LARGE* Vase will vary.

Indulgence Bouquet


Treat yourself (or someone else) to a delicious, decadent Indulgence Bouquet! This luxe bouquet of melons and chocolate-dipped fruit comes topped with scrumptious toppings, like coconut and toffee bits on our chocolate apple wedges, or...

Get Some Rest Blossom


This is the perfect gift for anyone that needs a little break or a little rest.  Do you know someone under the weather, up all night with a new baby, or someone working too hard?...



Here is a great gift for someone who knocked it out of the park. Also great for that special boys birthday party of all ages. What a great treat for any sports fanatic. Vase may...

Citrus Fruit & Bananas Bouquet


The Citrus Fruit & Bananas Bouquet is a succulent fruit arrangement that is sure to bring a smile to your recipient. This fruit bouquet includes sweet orange slices, grapefruit slices, chocolate covered banana bites that...

Showing 37 - 44 of 44 item(s)