Delivery Policy


  • Orders placed by 5 p.m. (EST) are eligible for next-day delivery.

  • While we strive to deliver within your preferred timeframe, we cannot guarantee an exact delivery time. Our delivery window is between 11 a.m. and 5 p.m.

  • It is the sender’s responsibility to ensure that the recipient is available at the delivery location to receive the package.

  • Please provide the recipient's full name, address, and phone number for accurate delivery. If delivering to an apartment or condo, a buzz number is helpful in ensuring a successful delivery.

  • We do not notify the recipient in advance of a delivery unless specifically requested by the sender in the card message section. We will only contact the recipient if we arrive and no one is present.

  • In the event of severe weather conditions (e.g., a snowstorm with 30 cm of snow), deliveries may be rescheduled to ensure driver safety.


  • If the recipient is not available at the time of delivery, the package will be left at the doorstep unless the sender or recipient provides alternative instructions. The driver will notify the recipient about the package.

  • For deliveries to government buildings and offices: If the driver is unable to access the building or reach the recipient, we will contact the sender. If no response is received, the package will be returned to our commercial kitchen on Heron Road for pick-up, with voicemail notifications sent to both the sender and recipient. Please note, a $10 return fee will apply to cover the driver’s fuel and time in returning the package.

    For apartment deliveries: Packages will be left in the building’s lobby if the recipient is unavailable, unless alternative instructions are provided by the sender or recipient.

  • Please note: We cannot be held responsible for any issues that may occur if a package is left unattended, such as damage from weather conditions or a missing package. To ensure the best experience, please make arrangements to have the recipient available on the expected delivery date.

If you have any questions or need to make adjustments before your delivery date, feel free to contact us and we’ll gladly assist you.

For information on our delivery rates and pick-up option please visit our Delivery & Pick-Up page that can be found here.